Top Colleges for Wildlife Biology

A Look at 11 of the Top Colleges for Wildlife Biology for Prospective College Students to Consider

Anyone who chooses to uplift our natural resources immediately gets a thumbs up from me. If not for these dedicated men and women, our wild animals and wild places wouldn’t nearly be as well off as they are. It’s because of these efforts, and more, that whitetails are so abundant today.

Of course, a lot of deer hunters go into wildlife biology due to their love of the whitetail and other animals. Beginning that journey can be difficult, though. So, for those interested in such a career path, here are some top colleges to consider for wildlife biology, as well as similar disciplines.

Auburn University (AU)

auburn university

Location: Auburn, Alabama

Auburn University is renowned for its School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences program. Aspiring biologists from throughout the nation attend here due to its incredible reputation. It also has great facilities that allow students and researchers alike an opportunity to conduct hands-on learning and research. It even has a rare but highly sought-after wildlife enterprise management degree.

Learn more about Auburn’s College of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences here:

Colorado State University (CSU)

colorado state university

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado

Another excellent option is Colorado State University (CSU)’s Warner College of Natural Resources. It applies a significant emphasis on three different concentrations, including wildlife biology, fish and aquatic sciences, and conservation biology.

Learn more about Colorado State University’s Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology program here:

Eastern Kentucky University (EKU)

eastern kentucky university

Location: Richmond, Kentucky

Another superb program, EKU offers degrees in wildlife management, with concentrations in either conservation management or game management. Those who are searching for such a program can expect to find great opportunities here.

Learn more about Eastern Kentucky University’s Wildlife Management program here:

Mississippi State University (MSU)

mississippi state university

Location: Starkville, Mississippi

Mississippi State University is arguably a top-five choice for wildlife biology, especially those looking for a focus on whitetail biology. It’s especially known for the MSU Deer Lab, which conducts cutting-edge research on whitetails. Majors and concentrations include conservation biology, wildlife agriculture conservation, wildlife, fisheries and aquaculture science, wildlife veterinary medicine, and more.

Click here to learn more about Mississippi State’s Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture program here:

Murray State University (MSU)

murray state university

Location: Murray, Kentucky

A slightly smaller school, Murray State University is another excellent option for students to receive the necessary education. It’s attuned to careers in managing wildlife on private and public lands, non-profit work, research efforts, conservation work, public education, and more.

Learn more about Murray State University’s Wildlife and Conservation program here:

South Dakota State University (SDSU)

Location: Brookings, South Dakota

Those who attend South Dakota State University can expect an excellent Master’s program within Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences. It especially emphasizes natural resources. This program is an excellent option for those who plan to obtain degrees centered on future careers working with wildlife agencies throughout the country. According to College Gazette, it is an excellent choice for careers in biology, park managers, hatchery managers, and more.

Learn more about South Dakota State University’s Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences program here:

Texas A&M University (TAMU)

Texas A&M University (TAMU)

Location: College Station, Texas

Texas A&M is readily equipped to educate students who are striving for a degree in wildlife biology in their Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology. It’s especially known for its Bachelor of Science degree in wildlife and fisheries sciences with wildlife, ecology, and conservation emphasis options. It also offers a great Master’s program in wildlife science.

Learn more about Texas A&M’s Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology here:

University of Florida (UF)

university of florida

Location: Gainesville, Florida

Another great college destination, the University of Florida has a very successful Wildlife Ecology and Conservation program. Like a few other colleges, it too has a great deer lab program for those seeking an emphasis on studying whitetail deer.

Learn more about the University of Florida’s Wildlife Ecology and Conservation program here:

University of Georgia (UGA)

university of georgia

Location: Athens, Georgia

The University of Georgia is an excellent option for those looking for an emphasis on wildlife conservation, aquatic habitats, whitetails, or wild turkey biology at their Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. This school offers other concentrations as well. Overall, students looking for a college education in wildlife sciences can find a home here.

Learn more about the University of Georgia’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources here:

University of Maine (UM)

university of maine

Location: Orono, Maine

The University of Maine’s Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology has been around for nearly 100 years. In that time, it has developed a phenomenal program for aspiring wildlife biologists. The college even owns 15,000 acres where learning and research are regularly conducted, giving attendees the opportunity to study several big game animals, including moose, whitetails, and more.

Learn more about the University of Maine’s Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology here:

University of Wisconsin-Madison (UWM)

University of Wisconsin-Madison (UWM)

Location: Madison, Wisconsin

Finally, the University of Wisconsin-Madison is also a great selection for wildlife biology with its Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology. It offers an opportunity for hands-on learning. Study wildlife ecology, forest and wildlife ecology, conservation biology, and more. This college is well-equipped for educating and preparing future wildlife biology professionals.

Learn more about the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology here:

While this is an excellent list to start with, there are even more colleges and universities to consider for wildlife biology. Check out these, and others you’re interested in, and determine if one of them is right for you.


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