May The SPYPOINT FORCE Game Cameras Be With You                    

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I recently had the opportunity to take a brief look at SPYPOINT’s new FLEX-M Game Camera and was super impressed with everything from the price to ease of use to the unit’s functionality. It’s currently set up in my back pasture (where I’ve had some trespassing problems) and it sends me some interesting images via the SPYPOINT app.

If you’re not familiar with SPYPOINT, for the past 20 years the company has been providing scouting solutions serious hunters are looking for, but at a much more reasonable cost than similar technology from many competing manufacturers. Since that first review, the good folks at SPYPOINT sent me their FORCE-PRO-S 2.0 and FORCE-48 cameras for a look.

spypoint force pro s 2.0 game camera
SPYPOINT’s FORCE-PRO-S 2.0 is simple to set up, and is truly ready to handle shots out to a remarkable 110 feet!

Shoot Long With SPYPOINT’S FORCE-PRO-S 2.0

The FORCE PRO-S 2.0 delivers 48-megapixel pictures, giving users a clear look at whatever might come by the camera’s location. It also records up to 4K video with sound for those who like to see more than just a still shot.

The camera offers the longest detection range of any SPYPOINT camera—110 feet—along with the fastest trigger time at .20 seconds. It even offers a multi-shot function that takes up to six photos per detection to ensure you get the picture you need to judge the next buck that will be hanging on your wall.

Solar Solutions

Unlike many other cameras, the FORCE-PRO-S 2.0 does away with the need for recharging batteries, instead using a small solar panel mounted to the top of the camera to charge the internal lithium battery. That ensures your battery doesn’t die at the critical time only a few months before the season starts. Plus, with the solar panel always working to convert the power of the sun into reserved battery life for the camera, you will make fewer trips to the woods to service batteries, along with saving the cost of replacing them. And best of all, if the battery does get depleted because of extended lack of sunlight you can install eight AA batteries to run the unit.

Even with the attached solar panel, the camera is still very small—measuring only 7.5 inches tall. It’s also only 4 inches wide and 3 inches deep, making it easy to tote around and hide from both game animals and trespassers.

Incredibly, the unit retails for only $149.99.

spypoint force pro game camera
SPYPOINT also offers the non-solar-powered FORCE-PRO model (shown above), which shoots 30-megapixel images and 4K video, has a detection range of 100 feet, and retails for $99.99.


While the FORCE-48 looks exactly like a FORCE PRO-S 2.0 without the solar panel on top, there are some differences. While it still shoots high-resolution 48-megapixel photos, the video recorded on the unit is 720p—still quite good by trail camera standards.

SPYPOINT FORCE-48 game camera
Day or night, SPYPOINT game cameras are ready to strike and report back to home or hunting camp.

The unit is equipped with a configuration screen that, while not quite as big as the one on the PRO-S 2.0, is still large enough to enable easy set-up and adjustment. The unit also offers a Time-Lapse mode, which takes photos at the user’s preferred interval. It also has the same handy multi-shot function that SPYPOINT is well known for.

Since many game animals are most active at night, dawn, or dusk, a good trail camera needs an effective way to light up the photo subject in those darker times. The FORCE-48 features 48 low-glow LED lights that provide 80 feet of illumination. Combined with infrared boost technology, users will get a high-quality photo or video no matter what time of day it is.

spypoint force 48 game camera

While the trigger speed is a bit slower than on the previously discussed unit, .50 seconds is plenty fast to get a photo—or several—of whatever happens to walk through your hunting area. I thought the FORCE PRO-S 2.0 was a great buy at $149.99, but the FORCE-48 sells for only $69.99!


Parting SPYPOINT Shots

Like the SPYPOINT FLEX-M I tested earlier, both were super easy to set up. In fact, they were easier than the FLEX-M, thanks to the configuration screen on the inside of the front cover. And just like with the other SPYPOINT cameras, the company offers several very reasonable transmission plans for getting photos immediately sent to your phone app. Plus, they even offer a free transmission plan.

I can’t wait to get all three of the SPYPOINT units I’ve tested out to the western Oklahoma farm where we hunt whitetails every fall. But since it’s a little early to start scouting my deer hotspots, I’ve set one up at my quail pen to see what kind of predator has been trying to dig in at night and the other on my chicken coop where a fox, raccoon or some other varmint has been causing a problem. Hopefully, I’ll know what the culprit is soon so I can ensure the safety of my training birds and laying hens.

spypoint game camera footage

Serious hunters should try to get their hands on one—or several—of these cameras before fall rolls around. The high quality combined with very reasonable prices makes them among the best buys in trail cams. For more information, visit spypoint.com.




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