America’s Favorite Snack Is Easier To Make Than You Think
Jerky is one of America’s greatest snacks. Deer jerky is equally delightful. It tastes great, is a phenomenal source of protein, and keeps you fueled for the adventures ahead. Not to mention its viability for social gatherings, emergency food, and more. Fortunately, with some prep and knowledge, this often-favorite snack is easy to make. Here’s how to make deer jerky.

Step 1: Choose the Right Cuts
Some people select various “lesser” cuts to fill the jerky role. Of course, don’t use backstraps or tenderloins. That said, the eye of round, top round, and sirloin are great for making top-shelf jerky. Roasts, neck, and other mid-level cuts work well, too.
Overall, choose the leanest cuts on the deer. Fat ruins jerky, which is why venison is such a great candidate for making jerky. It’s naturally low-fat and doesn’t come with as much trimming.
Step 2: Remove All Fat
Speaking of trimming, remove all fat from the meat selected for jerky. Removing the fat is necessary to preserve and maximize shelf life. Furthermore, it’s important for maximizing flavor. (Fat on jerky does not enhance flavor.)
Step 3: Slice Into Pieces
With the meat ready to cut into pieces, it’s time to slice. Cut these into the desired length. Make each jerky piece about ¼-inch thick. This should produce the ideal end-result sizing.
If the meat is difficult to slice, consider putting it in the freezer. Let it sit for 1 hour, maybe 1 ½ hours. Next, allow it to thaw in the refrigerator to a working temperature.
Step 4: Add Flavor & Brine

Next, it’s time to add flavor and cure. Most who make jerky use curing salt (InstaCure No. 1). It helps kill harmful bacteria and food-based pathogens. Use at recommended rates, as too little doesn’t have the necessary effect, and too much sodium nitrate can be harmful for your health. If curing salt is not used, it’s crucial to eat the jerky within five to six days. If not consumed by then, freeze it.

Of course, this is the time to season the meat, too. Black pepper, brown sugar, garlic, honey, onion powder, soy sauce, teriyaki, and more, are ideal options for seasoning.
In most cases, those who make jerky brine the meat. Mix it well with seasoning. Place in the refrigerator for 24 to 36 hours, perhaps slightly longer. Then, remove it from the refrigerator, and prepare for dehydration of the meat.
Step 5: Dehydrate The Meat

Dehydrating is the next step in the process. According to the USDA, meat should be dehydrated at 160 degrees. That said, some prefer to complete this step at slightly higher or lower by a few degrees. Higher temperatures provide more of a “cooked” taste. Lower temperatures retain more of the meat’s flavor.
Using a dehydrator, set the temperature at approximately 160-165 degrees. If using a smoker, also set it to 160-165 degrees. (The latter offers more of a smoky flavor — go figure.)
Using an oven, the number is about 170 degrees. This low setting, with the door propped open, should do the trick. (Keep kids and others away from the oven.) Of course, a convection oven works better for dehydrating meat.
Oftentimes, the dehydration process can take 6-8 hours but might be longer depending on the methods used. Overall, finished jerky should crack when bent (once cooled).
Eat It Up!
Once complete, remove from the dehydrator, stove, etc. Place on a drying rack, and then enjoy. Eating it fresh is a great idea. You can also vacuum seal it and place it in the refrigerator. Either way, eat it and enjoy it. Deer jerky is some of the best grub around.
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