ruger lc10 pistol caliber carbine

Ruger LC10 Pistol Caliber Carbine Review 

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Step Aside, 9mm PCC—Let Ruger’s 10mm LC Show You How It’s Done 

The new Ruger LC (Light Compact) Carbine chambered in 10mm drew me in like a moth to a flame. I had taken note when the Ruger LC arrived chambered in 5.7mm thinking, “That’s cute.” The next LC iteration in .45 ACP got an eyebrow raise as certainly being the 230-grain “yang” to the 27-grain 5.7mm “yin.” Then it hit me! The LC10 10mm pistol-caliber carbine (PCC) was the new-age version of the classic lever action chambered in the same round as your pistol. 

ruger lc10 pistol caliber carbine

The LC10’s 16-inch threaded barrel helps get the most out of the 10mm. Plus, what is not to like about 30 rounds of 10mm capacity? Even with a flush-fit mag the Ruger LC10 still brings along 15 rounds. The 10 turns into a .41 Magnum out of the LC10 with numerous bullet choices.  

The Ruger LC10 operates using a straight blowback action. Cartridge pressure is tamed by the bolt’s mass—a sizable chunk of metal. The bolt is pushed to the rear upon firing and the action recoil spring returns it to battery, stripping a fresh round from the mag. Thankfully, Ruger uses a two-piece telescopic bolt design for its blowback operation. This contributes to a balanced compact feel of the LC10. The simplicity of the LC10 operation is key to its reliability in digesting mag after mag during evaluation. Said mag is a Glock-pattern 30-rounder. 

The 7-pound LC10’s AR-like adjustable buttstock can fold for more discreet carry or storage. The LC10 combines polymer and aluminum materials in the frame and forend. Ambi manual safety, reversible charging handle, ergonomic bolt release, and extended magazine release levers round out controls. Trigger pull measures 7 pounds.  

I ran SIG SAUER, Federal, and Hornady loads for this review. Both FMJ and premium defense loads were evaluated. The Federal Premium 180-grain Trophy Bonded Bear Claw, SIG SAUER 180-grain V-Crown JHP and Hornady 175-grain FlexLock Critical Duty loads all benefit from the LC10’s 16-inch barrel souping up velocities and delivering over 800 foot-pounds of deep penetrating energy (fpe). The nickel-plated cases are another attention to detail that limits drag into or out of a weapon’s chamber. 

The Ruger LC10 has folding AR-style iron sights, a nice touch considering many PCCs don’t, the assumption being the user will add a red dot. For me, the iron sights staying on serve as a worthy backup plan. I continued my unorthodox approach by mounting a Sightmark Presidio 1-6x illuminated reticle optic. If you are going to shake things up, you might as well go with a low-powered variable in lieu of a red dot. 

A quick sight-in showed pleasing 1-inch groups at 50 yards. The Origin Shooting range bays were my next stop to shoot plate racks, dueling trees and spinners. The Ruger LC10’s hyped up 10mm rounds, Sightmark optic and 30-round capacity made quick work of the opposing steel, slamming down and turning it with authority. The spinner target that usually required eight to 10 rounds of 9mm to flip over succumbed to four rounds of 10mm! 

Parting Shots 

I am not one for a “hot take,” but the earlier allusion to the LC10 being a new-age lever carbine stands. A 10mm represents a reduction of recoil and muzzle blast in lieu of traditional rifle calibers. The LC10 is easier to shoot accurately than a shotgun or a rifle, and accurate hits are possible out to over 100 yards, especially with a low-powered optic. The Ruger LC10 offers true crossover capabilities. 

Specifications: Ruger LC10 

ruger lc10 pistol caliber carbine
  • Caliber: 10mm 
  • Action: Blowback Semi-auto 
  • Barrel: 16 inches 
  • OA Length: 30.6 inches 
  • Weight: 7.4 pounds (empty) 
  • Stock: Foldable 
  • Sights: Adjustable Ruger Rapid Deploy       
  • Finish: Type III hard-coat anodized 
  • Capacity: 30+1 
  • MSRP: $1,049 
  • URL: 

Pairs Well With: Sightmark Presidio 1-6×24 Scope 

Sightmark Presidio 1-6x24 Scope 

The Sightmark Presidio 1-6×24 with CR1 reticle is a great “out of the box” (pun intended) enhancement to the LC10 taking advantage of increased terminal and flight ballistics of the 10mm carbine. The svelte Presidio with 30mm tube mounts low to the LC10, coming up naturally with an illuminated CR1 reticle showing the way at close range at 1x or farther,  thanks to the ability to crank up to 6x. MSRP: $250 (

ruger lc10 pistol caliber carbine


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